The Intervention

Slop for the Trough 6: German Chocolate Slop

Episode 89

Getting sloppy again going over the basic contours of the European left in anticipation of Levi's move to the German fatherland. We also break some fresh ground talking about Biden's infirm grasp on reality and Trump's racial insensitivity...there's some good stuff in there too, we think.

We tease our latest collaboration with Destiny over at Closeted History. Look forward to that as we go through a transitional period of sloppy recording and production.

The Intervention Podcast:
Twitter: @intervenepod
Instagram: @intervention_pod

Levi Levi:
Twitter: @levi0levi
Instagram: @levi0levi0levi

Big thanks to Plasmid for the music for the show: Instagram - @plasmidband. Listen / follow on Spotify

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